Acupuncture - practice

Basic energy unbalance

The unbalance usually has a very precise origin, which may come from outside (weather, wounds, epidemics, accidents, etc.) or from within (organic weaknesses from birth, one or many intense emotions, etc.).

This basic unbalance spreads rapidly to other parts of the body (secondary unbalances), which should no be confused with the first.



It is a very ancient way to assess energy levels and imbalances in acupuncture. Taking pulse is a complex art where the acupuncturist places three of his fingers on each of the patient’s writs and feels the pulsing under his three fingers on the superficial and deep level.

Each pulse is evaluated separately and allows an assessment of the flow of energy of the related organ and that of the relationship between the various organs. It allows a remarkably precise evaluation which in correlation with the other signs noted during the consultation, allows the elaboration of a treatment.


Psychological traits

Traditional Chinese acupuncture acknowledges the paramount importance of emotions and psyche in the genesis and evolution of illnesses. There are seven basic emotions which will selectively disturb one organ or another and will always disturb the “shen” (spirit), which keeps them in harmony and is located in the heart.

It is of the essence that the treatment should take into account the emotional aspect of the patient if durable and efficient results are to be obtained.


Energy evaluation

It is a qualitative (for example heat and humidity of the spleen) as well as a quantitative (energy deficiency or yang excess) appreciation of the condition of the patient, of the relationships between organs, of probable causes of the sickness and of the patient's vitality.



This is an old Chinese technique complimentary to the use of the needle, which consists in the use of a herbal cigar to heat acupuncture points mildly.

The purpose of this practice is to increase the yang in the energy well and propel it along the meridian. This technique is essentially used for very weak or very cold patients and procures a feeling of well being.


Acupuncture points

The body is covered by an energy grid resembling the Hydro Quebec grid, called Jinglo.

This grid is structured in precise lines called meridians which follow the various parts of the body and are directly directed to a given organ. For example the stomach meridian starts under the eye, goes down to the mouth, then to the neck, then to the chest, the abdomen, the thigh, the leg, to end at a toe.

The acupuncture point (or “well” in Chinese) is the location where the acupuncturist inserts his needle as though he were activating a well which is too full or too empty. The stimulation of the needle allows the energy to move away from the point if there is too much energy and towards the point if there is not enough.



12344 Notre-Dame-des-Anges
Montreal, Qc, Canada • H4J 2C4